French new wave was a new form of film to capture the spotaniouse and nonchalant attitude of the french youth. Early proceeder to French new wave was Italian realism. Italian realism was a naturalistic form of acting and camera shots to show the world of the charicter as a real fictional alterante universe.
One film maker (Edison; also the inventor of the light bulb) used a series of images in a roll to create moving images or short repetitive movies (kinda like a gif)
24 frames per second is the "old Hollywood standard"and the style used in the early french new wave films.
The standard is 30 and the choice for slow motion is 60 fps.
George melies considered the father of special effects. Also was known to crest sets that gave optical illusions of something being different from what it was (bugger smaller longer ect)
D W GRIFFITH was one of cinemas earliest directors and producers known for his film birth of a nation, but unfortunately his cinematic achievements are often undermined by his bigotry philosophy and racially charged films.